Bruxy Cavey Biography; Age, education, church, books, website, salary

Timothy Bruce Cavey, better known as Bruxy Cavey, is a Canadian writer and former pastor. He is the author of The End of Religion and Reunion. Cavey, along with Greg Boyd, has been an important voice in recent discussions of Christian nonviolence theology in North America.

Cavey was accused of sexual abuse and subsequently placed on leave from his role as an education chaplain in December 2021. Following the completion of an independent investigation into his conduct, Cavey was allowed to resign on March 3, 2022.

Bruxy Cavey Biography

Bruxy Cavey is a former Canadian pastor, author and speaker known for his work in Christian theology and church leadership. He is a pastor at The Meeting House, an Anabaptist congregation with multiple locations in Ontario, Canada.

Cavey is known for his accessible and engaging teaching style, often combining humor and storytelling to convey complex theological concepts in a relatable way.

Through his sermons, books and public speaking engagements, Bruxy Cavey explores various aspects of the Christian faith, emphasizing themes of love, grace and community. He is known for his commitment to Anabaptist principles, which prioritize peace, nonviolence and social justice.

Cavey has written several books, including “The End of Religion: Encountering the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus” and “(re)Union: The Good News of Jesus for Seekers, Saints, and Sinners.” He remains a prominent voice in contemporary Christian thought, offering insights into faith and spirituality that resonate with a diverse audience.

Bruxy Cavey age

Bruxy Cavey was born on January 5, 1971. He is currently 54 years old.

Bruxy Cavey Education

Bruxy Cavey attended Tyndale University College & Seminary, located in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. He completed his studies there and obtained a degree in theology.

Cavey later received further education and training in the ministry and became a leading preacher and author known for his innovative approaches to teaching and preaching.

Bruxy Cavey Church

Bruxy Cavey was the Teaching Pastor at The Meeting House, an Anabaptist church with multiple locations in Ontario, Canada.

Bruxy Cavey Books

Bruxy Cavey has written several books, including:

  • “The end of religion: encounter with the subversive spirituality of Jesus”
  • ‘Reunion: the good news of Jesus for seekers, saints and sinners’
  • “(re)union: the good news of Jesus for seekers, saints and sinners”
  • “Jesus and Justice: Evangelicals, Race, and American Politics”
  • “The End of Religion: Encounter with the Subversive Spirituality of Jesus” (revised edition)

These books explore themes related to spirituality, Christianity, the teachings of Jesus, and the nature of religion.

Bruxy Cavey website

Bruxy Cavey’s website is:

Bruxy Cavey Salary

Bruxy Cavey’s estimated net worth, money, salary, income, and assets as of 2023 are $1 million – $5 million.

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