What is Brett Blewitt doing now?

Brett Blewitt is currently busy on several fronts.

On the acting front, Blewitt recently delighted fans with a cameo appearance in the 2023 Amazon Freevee revival of “Neighbors,” stepping back into his beloved role as Brett Stark.

While the acting gigs aren’t packed, his return to the screen suggests an openness to the craft.

On the writing side, he’s working with former “Neighbors” co-star Jesse Spencer on projects in Los Angeles, suggesting an involvement in screenwriting for film or television.

On the entrepreneurship front, Blewitt has ventured into the tourism industry with ‘Great Race’, a Sydney-based travel agency that offers interactive and team building experiences. This endeavor reflects his passion for people, games and showcasing his hometown.

While his Instagram activity may not be buzzing with updates, Blewitt maintains a visible online presence, showcasing his enduring public persona.

Additionally, although details are scarce, there is mention of his previous involvement with Brainstorm Productions, a theater company that focuses on theme-based shows. While his current status with the company is unclear, it highlights his diverse creative interests.

Overall, Brett Blewitt seems to skillfully juggle multiple pursuits, including acting, writing, entrepreneurship, and maintaining a vibrant public image.

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